Connar Jack Henderson the First

Well the kid is here with us. Connar is his name. He was born at 1:11 pm in room 111, and is weighing in at 8 lb, 9 oz. I guessed 8 lb, 3 oz. Not too bad for an amateur.

Amy did great. I actually almost threw up just a few minutes before the final push. Crazy.

He’s been breast feeding and is now sleeping. Amy has been throwing up in between breast feeding and continues to feel light headed and some pain. Here are some pictures of Connar and the doctor. Amy’s not feeling too well so pictures of her would not be tasteful.

She lost a decent amount of blood and can’t keep stuff down, so please pray she begins to feel better. Thanks so much for all of your prayers and interest. Can’t wait for you to see him in person. I think he looks cute.

26 thoughts on “Connar Jack Henderson the First

  1. Amy and Geoff, Connar is beautiful! I thought you guys were going to have a boy. =) What a blessing he will be to you and your family. Thanks for the frequent posts and we’ll look forward to more as your parenthood journey has just begun. Love to all,Adriane, Steve and Grayson

  2. I have watched the blog all day waiting for this moment and Christie had to call me to let me know (apparently she was watching also). Congrats mom and dad on beautiful or should I say handsome, Connor Jack. He is amazing. Donna & Christie

  3. We are so happy for you! Praise God! Little C is adorable! His cousins are so happy to have a cousin, and his AUNT AND UNCLE are so excited too! Give him 1000000 kisses for us.

  4. Being able to follow the blog was amazing. Congratulations to all of you. I had predicted a girl all along, and I don’t even mind being wrong. Connar is a handsome boy ( and undoubtedly will be “Snook II” in your family!). Lots of love,The Weichels

  5. Wow! he is nothing like the projected images done a few years ago… I think hes got some major geoff in him! Amazing! I am so pumped for you all and for him. Owen and Connar are going to be hoodlums together! I am praying for Amy and I hope she feels better soon…war no more nst’s and war holding your own little boy!

  6. Rejoicing with you! Boys are fun. *eg*And wow. . .he already looks so much like a cross between you and Amy. (Usually newborns just look squishy and newborny.) Good job!(And praying that Amy recovers quickly and Connar continues nursing well.)

  7. Congratulations. I so excited for you guys. Thanks for keeping us posted the whole time. The anticipation and suspense was killing me, but it was all worth it. Best wishes to you. I’ll be praying for the three of you.Tom

  8. A huge congratulations…of course we love the middle name! Way to go Amy. Thanks for the blow by blow (or should we say push by push) details Geoff.Love,The Albees

  9. hey geoff and amy…. he is beautiful. congratulations. will definitely say a prayer that mom feels better soon. now i wish for a picture of grampie (doc) looking at connar. i told grammie to take one but she said you were the one taking pics.rhonda

  10. Sorry to be one of the last to say ‘congratulations’ I had to be to work at 2:00pm so I didn’t hear about Connar’s arrival until after I got to work. Hope Amy is feeling better, and NO Geoff you can’t take Connar fishing just yet. Lots of love and prayers to you both and the new little Henderson.See ya all soonLove ya,Renee, (and of course Lauren, Derek & Brian

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